Author: Mikero
All Mikero tools 'behave', install, and operate in an identical manner. You are strongly advised to read the General Readme once.
Dekey checks the integrity of .bisign, .bikey, and .biprivatekey files.
It does not crack them open as such, merely checks their validity.
Dekey is most useful in doing a full folder scan looking for version ONE bisigns versus the shinier version 2's. A bonus for sysops.
A no nonsense auto installer saving you sweat and tears.
Do not run this, or any tool from bis, as administrator.
'Admin' is not what you think it is, it is an alias for 'Microsoft Office Use only'.
Consider yourself warned.
Grab the self installers for these here
dekey [-PW] whatever.bisign | bikey | privatekey
Options are case insensitive.
| Don't pause-W
| Warnings are errorsthe only warning (currently) is if an obsolete type 1 bising is detected
you can scan folders looking for any that escaped you
Return status
0: no errors (includes version2 bisigns)
1: version 1 (old) bisign
2: error